Logan: Granted 02/03/2001 |
The Story of Logan |
as told by Helen Rogers
February 3, 2001 I received a phone call from the Yerington, NV Animal Services. The hesitant voice on the other end of the line identified herself as a shelter worker and wanted to speak with Helen…the gal who does the Corgi Rescue. She told me about a a very special little dog who had been in the shelter since before Thanksgiving and asked if maybe I could help. “Hoagie” (was his name) and he really needed a special home.
You see, “Hoagie (later renamed “Logan”, in the interest of dignity) had a bad wheel. The shelter worker assured me that it was an very old injury but they just had no luck in finding someone able to overlook his handicap long enough to adopt him. She had also heard through the grapevine that we did surgical rehabiliation here and she was hoping we might be able to rehab “Hoagie” far enough so that he would find a home.
That was all I needed hear. I asked for verification in the form of picture to be sure that Hoagie was indeed at least part Corgi and made arrangements to pick him up the following Tuesday.
I made the journey to Yerington and met with dear Hoagie (now Logan), who was scared, stinky (even in light of a recent bath given by the shelter volunteer) and none too sure he wanted to get into the front seat of my truck. But he got in and settled down for the journey back to Reno. His left front leg dangled at a precarious angle but did not seem to be overly painful.
When we got back to the K-9 Fitness Center I let him into the play area and watched as he revelled in his new found freedom. Poor little soul had just spent the last 90 days in a 3 x 4 kennel run =(. He found numerous playmates and two people (myself and my kennel assistant, Tammy) who are always willing to rub between his ears and give him the love and attention he craves. Logan gets long well with other dogs and settled into the routine here nicely. His favorite place is with me….either helping me in the groom room or on his favorite pillow under my desk.
February and March turned into a very busy time here at K-9 Fitness and getting Logan scheduled into the orthopedic surgeon for an evaluation became a challenge. Although he seemed to tolerate his handicap well, I didn’t feel that he would be a real candidate for adoption until I looked into getting it fixed. Logan was never really put on my offical adoption/available list but there had been a few inquiries from clients of mine looking to add to their families but ultimately the idea of taking on additional vet bills deterred anybody serious.
Well he finally got in to see the Dr last Friday. We received some good news and some bad news. On the one hand we discovered through radiographs that his leg injury is a fracture of the radius and ulna (the two bones that run from the wrist to the elbow on the front leg) and will be fairly easily fixed by having a steel plate screwed in to stabilize things. It was a relief to know that the elbow itself was not involved and that no amputation would be required. Once Logan has the steel plate put in, he will return to full function of the leg and will enjoy a good quality of life well into the future.
But the bad news was more pressing. Upon examination, it was discovered that Logan had some serious peridontal disease that needed immediate attention before the fracture repair could even be considered. He had a mouth full of plaque and grime that had progressed so far that he had abcesses and even a tract of infection that went clear nto his nasal passage. This in turn showers the body with bacteria and makes the prospect of any orthopedic surgery a “no go” until the infection can be controlled and eventually cleared up. His mouth required immediate dental surgery so what started out as a routine orthopedic consult turned into a weekend stay in the vet hospital. =(
I picked Logan up this afternoon and Dr Crowe assured me that things are healing well. He wants to be sure that they have conquered the peridontal disease before progressing to fixing his leg. He estimated the total cost of the orthopedic surgery to right around $1800 ( on top of the $792 already spent on his mouth). He realizes that Logan is a Rescue and assures me he will keep the costs down as best he can. He agrees that Logan is a great little dog and will make someone a fine companion if given the chance.
Logan’s Thank You note!!!
Dear CorgiAidStaff,
I just wanted to send you licks and love for your wonderful generosity and for helping me with my bad leg and teeth. Spending the time in the Animal Shelter really gave me an opportunity to realize just how lucky a little dog I am. I’m lucky to have found all of you who care so much!!
Thank you for the gift of healing that you have so generously given me. If you would all do me a huge favor and post this to the Corgi-L and ShowPem-L communities so that I can THANK Everybody who ever donated to Corgi Aid and so that they know how very grateful I am for this new start in life. I promise to be a very good boy for the Dr’s and I hope my forever home comes along soon.
Hugs and kisses,