Cody: Granted 2/26/2007 |
The Story of Cody |
Last Updated: February 26, 2007
Rescuer: Elizabeth Dukesherer at
Cody has a sunny disposition and is a great ambassador for the breed. Although he arrived in severe pain with an extremely infected mouth and rotting teeth, he remained loving and gentle and still wanted to play ball in spite of the pain.
Cody arrived into rescue with assorted medical needs to address. His infected mouth and an infected salivary gland and decaying teeth were obvious, in addition to 3 egg size tumors and a smaller lump on his head. The tumors were removed and proved to be fatty tumors and the lump on his head was removed and biopsied and proved to benign. His blood work and urinalysis results has some elevated liver enzymes and our veterinarian felt he should have radiograph films done to assess the status of his liver before undergoing anesthesia. Films were unclear and an ultra sound was recommended to better assess his status as their were concerns about what was visualized and the possibility of a diagnosis of Cushing’s Disease. An ACTH stim test and further bloodwork was ordered to rule out Cushings disease and better assess his condition.
CorgiAid supporters are helping Cody get healthy so he can enjoy the comfortable retirement he deserves. Thank you!
This dog is not available for adoption.