Ozzy: Granted 5/28/2008 |
The Story of Ozzy |
Last Updated: May 28, 2008
Rescuer: Denise Townsley at townsleyclan@msn.com
Here is Ozzy’s story, in the words of his rescuer:
“Ozzy was brought in to a vet clinic with a badly broken front leg. His owners were unable to afford the surgery nesseccary to help him so opted to euthanize. Thanks to two caring vet techs who were able to convince the owners to sign over custody, Ozzy life was spared. They contacted me and I agreed to help out.
“He has now had his surgery which was successful. We are on the long road to recovery of 3-6 weeks of cage rest. X-rays will be taken at 3 and 6 weeks after surgery to determine how well he is healing. We are hoping at 3 weeks he will be allowed some exericse.”
CorgiAid supporters have helped Ozzy get the surgery he needed to go forward and live a happy life. Thank you!
This dog is not available for adoption.