Yogi Bear: Granted 12/24/2008 |
The Story of Yogi Bear |
Last Updated: December 24, 2008
Rescuer: April Warchol at waltwarchol@kingwoodcable.com
Here is Yogi’s story, in the words of his rescuer:
“I went to the Montgomery County Shelter after being called to pull an owner surrender tri-color Pembroke. When I got to the shelter a shelter worker said “We just got ANOTHER Corgi OTI, he’s in holding”. I said I’d take a look. Standing before me was the saddest looking Corgi I have ever seen in rescue. He obviously had been years without brushing, his fur literally feels like a combination of straw and Brillo pads, he had a huge thing on his back that looked like a cow pattie, he was limping and severely depressed. I just took the leash and left with him dreading how I was going to explain this extra Christmas guest to my family! I comforted myself with the thought that since he came to the shelter literally minutes before I got there and it was almost closing on Friday I felt there was some reason I was meant to see and take that particular dog. One of those “God things”
“Once we got Yogi home that day we brushed him and had to cut the “cow pattie” off and found it was months of debris exuded by a large skin mass that had been oozing and bleeding. His toenails were curling, his feet all had pus filled blisters in between the toes. He had a few other hard and soft lumps on his body as well as bad teeth and a crumpled ear, probably from a past hematoma. The following day my husband gave him three baths and finally the smell was gone from his skin and coat. I scheduled him to be seen by the vet on Monday, Dec 22.
“UPDATE 12/23/08 Blood work results in today indicate Yogi also has an infected prostate (also blood in urine, not sure if that is related or separate), high white count, and slight anemia. Result of the thyroid test were not back yet but his liver, kidney and pancreas were all ok per the blood work. The plan for Jan 30th is to start with x-rays, get the neuter, remove the largest tumor. If time allows a dental will be done or it can be done later.”
CorgiAid supporters will help Yogi get evaluated, and will work on helping him feel as much better as he can feel. Thank you!
This dog is not available for adoption.