MrCorgi: Granted 10/15/2010 |
The Story of MrCorgi |
Last Updated: November 15, 2010
Rescuer: Debbie Nosse at
Here is MrCorgi’s story, in the words of his rescuer:
“MrCorgi was found by some folks on a farm in rural WV and they had him scanned for a chip and they posted flyers all around. When they couldn’t find anyone to claim him, they turned him in to rescue. They had very busy schedules and couldn’t keep him.
“He is a little snugglebug. He gets along with every person and dog he’s met.”
CorgiAid supporters will help with the expense of getting MrCorgi shined up on his health care, so he can lead the happy life he deserves. Thank you!
This dog is not available for adoption.