Toby: Granted 6/12/2010 |
The Story of Toby |
Last Updated: June 12, 2010
Rescuer: Arleen Rooney at
Here is Toby’s story, in the words of his rescuer:
“Toby was turned in to the shelter. He came into rescue in early June as his time was running out at the shelter.
“He is very mellow and good with other dogs.
“He needs to loose substantial weight. He has a plum size growth (could be fatty tumor) on his right side and we also want to do a senior blood panel and dental if necessary. Will check for thyroid due to the weight.”
CorgiAid supporters will help Toby get healthy, so he can go forward and lead the happy life he deserves. Thank you!
This dog is available for adoption. Please contact Arleen Rooney at for more information.