Duchess: Granted 1/11/2012 |
The Story of Duchess |
Last Updated: January 11, 2012
Rescuer: B. Diane Myers at ccrescue@dogsweetdog.com
Here is Duchess’s story, in the words of her rescuer:
“Duchess (a 14 pound doodlebug) was spotted sitting on the side of a country road by a citizen driving through. She was still sitting there when the citizen drove back by at the end of the day. So she picked her up. She had Duchess spayed and got her a rabies shot, and took her home. She lives in a retirement home was told, 6 weeks later, that she couldn’t keep Duchess AND her cats. Since she’d had the cats so long, she called rescue to take Duchess. She cried when she left her with us.
“The first thing we noticed was that Duchess has a crooked mouth, so we took her in to have that checked, get chipped, have the rest of her vaccinations done, and of course have a fecal and urinalysis done. The vet thinks the crooked mouth was from an injury in puppyhood and did nothing except make her look cute and a little ornery. She did have a UTI, which is being treated with antibiotics.”
CorgiAid supporters will help with the expense of getting Duchess shined up on her health care, so she can go forward and lead the happy life she deserves. Thank you!
Duchess was rescued in Oklahoma.
This dog is not available for adoption.