Farley: Granted 9/28/2012 |
The Story of Farley |
Last Updated: September 28, 2012
Rescuer: Tavia Meares at tavia@mtcorgirescue.com
Here is Farley’s story, in the words of his rescuer:
“Farley was dumped in a field, and ended up in the shelter. Farley was scheduled for euthanasia and a rescue group pulled him for me and took him to the vet. He was found to be unaltered and had an issue with his anus/rectum, but the vet did not know what was wrong, so that vet said he needed more diagnostics.
“He was neutered yesterday, and they explored his rectum more when he was relaxed under anesthesia. The vet thinks he is the victim of a botched anal gland removal, as he is lacking anal glands and has a lot of inflammatory tissue there. We biopsied to make sure its not a tumor, it looked odd to both vets and they were not positive it isn’t, so I wanted to make sure while he was still in our care.
“He has the best personality, he gets along with all of my corgis no issue and his foster’s family dogs as well, he is quite impressive in his manners.
“He MAY need anal surgery in the next few days, but we are hopeful he can live normally without. The vet wants to see how he is after his neuter site heals and he is on a steady, good diet.”
CorgiAid supporters will help Farley get his issues diagnosed. Thank you! We hope it is something that will go away, with good care and a decent diet!
Farley was rescued in Tennessee.
This dog is available for adoption. Please contact Tavia Meares at tavia@mtcorgirescue.com for more information.