Geo: Granted 8/14/2012 |
The Story of Geo |
Last Updated: August 14, 2012
As much as we all wish that every rescue story could have a happy ending, reality is sadly different from that wish.
Tissue alert!!!
Here is Geo’s story, in the words of his rescuer:
“Geo is another boy found in Southeast AZ by animal control officers who couldn’t stand to see him in the shelter. So, they contacted me. We brought him up and started his vet care. He was intact, with a huge inguinal hernia and his labwork showed high liver values. We decided to work on the liver values, to see if we could get them lower, prior to surgery. It worked. For a month he was on Denosyl. Rechecked his blood and liver values looked good, however kidney values were increasing. Started working on those, but knew we needed to neuter him (his testicles were small and hard) and repair the hernia if he was to ever have a chance to leave and go to a new forever home. Unfortunately, when we opened him, he had an inoperable tumor on his bladder the size of a fist and with his deformed testes and other ‘nodules’ we knew he wouldn’t be with us much longer, so made the decision to let him go.
“Geo is missed terribly. He had such a happy outlook and his nickname was ‘Wiggles’ as he wiggled and was so happy to see everyone!! He LOVED other dogs and people. Couldn’t have asked for a better demeanor…always the sweet ones 🙁 ”
CorgiAid supporters have helped with Geo’s medical expenses. Thank you.