Wile E Coyorgi: Granted //2/2013 |
The Story of Wile E Coyorgi |
Last Updated: August 05, 2013
Here is Wile E.’s story, in the words of his rescuer:
“Wile is a victim of the economy. When his family’s house was foreclosed, they moved on, leaving Wile alone in his house. Neighbors heard him and took him in. Unfortunately, he being intact and their dogs being intact, they fought. Wile was beat up very badly more than once, before they called us to take him. They didn’t want to come home and find him dead. Neither did we!! We took him in immediately!!
“Wile was beat up pretty bad, damaging the roots of a canine tooth and his eye, and causing palsy in his face. He has a bit of a droopy eye and tilts slightly, on his right side, but doesn’t hamper him a bit…”
CorgiAid supporters are helping Wile E. recover from his injuries, so he can go forward and lead the happy life he deserves. Thank you!
Wile E. was rescued in Arizona.