- Attend one of the many corgi picnics that benefit CorgiAid, for example through a silent auction, the sale of CorgiAid merchandise, a costume contest or game entry fees.
- Spread the word about CorgiAid at dog events in your area, with veterinarians, and through local rescue programs and shelters. (contact yourfriends@corgiaid.org if you would like brochures to distribute).
- Create your own project to raise money for CorgiAid. Your imagination’s the limit, but some successful fundraisers have included corgi picnics, putting a donation jar at your favorite pet supply store or dog wash,selling dog biscuits and bandanas at dog events and street fairs, and doing holiday gift wrapping in exchange for donations at your local Barnes & Noble or Borders.
- Learn more about corgi and corgi-mix rescue at www.pembrokecorgirescue.webs.com and contact the list owners about joining a Yahoo group focused on rescue: CorgiRescue-owner@yahoogroups.com and CardiganRescue-owner@yahoogroups.com
- Remember CorgiAid in your will or living trust. You can leave a stated dollar amount, a specific asset, or a percentage of your residual estate (what remains after debts, expenses, taxes and specific bequests have been paid). Ask your attorney for advice.