October 2002 -September 2012.
In memory of Hunter a wonderful little dog who was taken to the Rainbow Bridge well before his time due to DM. Hunter was owned and loved by Betsy Miner and Rosanne Gibeau.
I bred Hunter his mom and dad who are also on these memorial pages are Benny and Morgan. They also left to soon due to DM. As breeder I am heartbroken over this never in a million years would I want this to happen to anyone. I want to thank Betsy and Rosanne for being such kind, loving and caring people to Hunter and for giving him a wonderful life.
Hunter may the gentle breezes over the western sea carry you safely to the Summerland. May her warm waters comfort you, her loving earth receive you and her sacred fires create for you a joyous life anew. Now Voyager, depart, much, much more for thee is yet in store.
Depart upon thy endless cruise young Sailor.
With our deepest sympathy
Billy and Denise Lacroix
Donated by Billy and Denise Lacroix