18 months after we brought Ivy into our family, she developed some breathing problems that we first thought was bronchitis and then pneumonia. After 4 days in an O2 cage we discovered that she had pulmonary hypertension. She spent another two days in the hospital and then we got to bring her home. We thought we’d be able to manage her with meds but a few days after we’d brought her home, her breathing started to deteriorate and we knew that we were going to have to let her go. I spent the night on the floor with her and the next morning, she got lots of treats and even though we’d been told absolutely NO BALL PLAYING, my husband played ball with her. She could only play for a few minutes and then she collapsed into his lap for cuddles and kisses. We carried her into the vet and held her while we told her how much we loved her, how sorry we were that we couldn’t save her and thanked her for the honor of being part of her life. I didn’t even know the vet had given her the injections until I heard her say very quietly that she was gone.
I still cry for Ivy, unexpectedly at times. We have another Corgi in our lives and she’s a wonderful, happy, sassy love. But Ivy was our first…and will always be missed. The following was tucked into the card that our vet sent to us. I found out later that the person who wrote the cards was so heart broken for us, she felt that we needed this. I have it on my refrigerator and while at first, it made me cry every time, now it gives me peace and a smile.
Grieve not,
nor speak of me with tears,
but laugh and talk of me
as if I were beside you…..
I loved you so —
’twas Heaven here with you.”
–by Ilsa Paschal Richardson
We know that the 18 months she spent with us were the best months of Ivy’s life and we are humbled by the honor of that. We miss you sweet girl and always will.
With love,
Nancy Pilsch and Bob Bisson
Donated by Nancy Pilsch