Traci Meyer; Larry and Joanne Bittner
Strawberry came from the farm, and was often on the ‘bottom of the totem pole’ with so many other pets on the farm. She was loved but nothing like she was LOVED AND ADORED when we took her to be a part of our family in the city 2.5 years ago.
Her true personality blossomed when she became ours! She got the best food, lots of treats, kisses, softest bed and blankets to sleep on, best vet care and went everywhere we did! She got to experience cabin life and to go on walks and do so many wonderful things!!!
When her back legs started getting weak and she struggled to walk, we researched and found CorgiAid! They were able to get us a wheelchair that was perfect for Berry!! Bobbie was AMAZING in always being available to answer questions or send us different parts and extensions and so on, as she had less and less mobility!
Strawberry was only able to walk for about 10 months after we got her but lived an amazing life for 15 more months because of her wheelchair!!!
She ran in it, walked all over the yard and would greet visitors and her family that would come to visit!
She was happy! She was sweet and truly we believe, most of all, she KNEW she was loved and was soooo grateful to us for giving her the chance to still be a normal dog!! We built ramps so she could go in and out and wherever she wanted!
SHE KNEW!!! She knew….she knew!
She was the best little corgi and we miss her terribly but are so grateful to Bobbie and Corgi Aid!! We will never be able to thank you all enough for everything.
She was so strong and brave and never gave up! When she started getting weaker in her front legs, we knew that perhaps the time was coming as it became more of a challenge for her to pull herself around. It broke our hearts into a million pieces.
We were with her until the very last moment. She knew she was loved. She’s is heaven now and we know she is running on all 4 legs and so happy.
Donated by Strawberry’s family